Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Barbie Doll Good Friend for Girls & HD Wallpapers

baby barie
Barbie Doll so cute

For a small girl, playing with toys seems natural and enjoyable too. She can even have her own Barbie house, play room, and such other accessories along with the doll. There are also websites of Barbie dolls, where the person can get to personalize or change the Barbie doll web page as per their taste. This web page includes Barbie doll dresses, her room style, pets and such things.
There are some fantastic types of Barbie dolls for the girls on Barbie doll websites too. These include Farm girl style Barbie, Red Carpet style Barbie, Campus Sweetheart Barbie doll, My Melody Doll, Kimora Lee Simons Barbie doll and many more. The Barbie doll has been designed to show that women can handle and accept a range of roles in their life. The Barbie doll has been sold with various titles like Doctor Barbie, Nascar Barbie and Miss Astronaut Barbie doll too.
However, even if there is a lot of criticism showered on the Barbie dolls, a lot of girls still love such dolls as they take her to be their role model. The doll has expanded her horizons too with changing times. Barbie dolls are available, as a business woman, police officer, athlete, girl draped in sari and many more roles.
Anyone interested in collecting these amazing dolls can get to join the Barbie fan club, get renewals on sale and view the collector dolls around the world and many more. One can either buy such wonderful dolls from toy shops or browse through websites and search their choice of dolls and buy these online.
The Barbie doll is one of the best selling dolls in the global market. The concept of this doll was introduced by Ruth Handler, who is the creator of the Barbie doll. It has been around fifty years or so for Barbie as an important part of the fashion toy doll market. As the years have passed, there have been a lot of controversies and lawsuits on the concept of the Barbie doll and her lifestyle.
The prime Barbie doll has zebra striped swimming suit and a ponytail too. This doll was available to both brunette and blonde girls to play with. Barbie dolls were primarily produced in Japan and her clothes were stitched by the Japanese home workers. Moreover, approximately 350,000 of them were sold during the commencement year itself.
The full name of Barbie is Barbara Millicent Roberts and her parent's names are George and Margaret Roberts from Wisconsin. Barbie doll also has some friends, namely Hispanic Teresa, Steven, Midge and Christie who is African American. There are various other toys along with the Barbie doll which a girl can enjoy. These include pets like cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, a lion cub, a zebra and a panda too. One can also get wide range of Barbie related vehicles like trailers, jeeps and pink convertibles. There are also a lot of dress accessories, hair styles and make-up kits along with the Barbie doll.

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